There is no single answer here
It varies slightly with suppliers, manufacturers and finance companies
The answer is generally either within 3 weeks or 11 months
The majority if the vehicles we supply are on some sort of "terms" where we get additional volume based discounts. Depending on the supply route this can vary but in many cases the V5 must be taxed in the supplier or finance company name. This makes the vehicle cheaper in most cases.
This is a complete pain for everyone. As its more paperwork. Some manufacturers we are able to tax it in your name such as VW, though there are some exceptions. As a general rule its immediate if you are leasing the vehicle or 12 months if bought outright or HP.
Pre Registration
Pre Registration is is becoming more popular now as as the economy improves more customers are doing cash and HP oppose to lease.
Many Ford are pre registered as its cheaper to buy the vehicle and no one has ever asked for our "second best price please".
Thus you will not see a V5 until the van is say 11 months old. If the van isn't pre registered it will cost you thousands more. We can get you a copy of the V5 if you are travelling for example. If you try and get a V5 early that will simply cancel your remaining tax on your vehicle, and we are unlikely to be able to supply you in the future as it causes issues with our suppliers who will reject a fresh order to you.
Is a Pre registered Van Worth Less?
No of course not thats absurd. The only time a customer ever raises a concern on pre registration is where they are attempting "Friendly Fraud" whereby making a list of demands and unreasonable complaints in order to gain some sort of refund for fiscal gains.
No customer has ever benefitted from complaining that a van or car has been pre registered as its recognised widely as a way to reduce the selling price of a new vehicle
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